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Wow! Was I ever so glad to be able to get out and about this past weekend. I participated in the Floral City Strawberry festival and though the weather was a bit sketchy on Saturday, Sunday was beautiful and the crowd came out. It seems from talking to the people, they were just as eager to be out and about as we artists were.
I had not done an event since last year, and I do not mind telling you, I was getting a bit stir crazy. I miss my peeps. I miss seeing their faces, the interaction as I always greet my customers with a "how are you today?" I know this is a loaded question, but hey, what the heck! In doing so, I get to meet and know some great people. In my discussions I shared how I missed getting a hug now and then, and a customer offered to give me a hug. She professed to be a great hugger, and she wasn't wrong. So you see, it is always a give and take kind of thing.
I loved getting to share my creations with so many people. Some were familiar with upcycled spoons and forks, but others had never experienced jewelry and accessories such as I design and make. Most were very curious as to my wide variety and the fact that I hand make all my items. The frosting on the cake were the sign ups to my e-mail list. I assured everyone that I only use this list to share new products, my upcoming events and sales and discounts. I will never spam, I make all my stuff…I am too busy with that.
Again, I want to thank everyone that stopped at the Strawberry Festival, and I also want to remind everyone that I will be in Crystal River on March 27 & 28th doing the Manatee festival. I do not know my location yet, but will offer that on my Facebook page as soon as I find out. Oh, and if you don't already follow me on Facebook, now is a great time to do so, just search Kpughdesigns on Facebook and I will come up. Like the page and you will get all my posts about products, how to's, specials, new silverware I receive and what I am up to next.
Until we meet again stay safe and I look forward to talking to you soon.